Rambo first blood

Rambo first blood soundtrack

1993 I also have more money than I did when I finally bought my DVD players which coincidentally was when I was a rambo first blood soundtrack at uni, I have a penchant for buying super cheap stuff which I suspect HD DVD movies will be in the near future as companies try to unload their good, yet now defunct stock, not to mention garage sale value in the next 2-3 years. In any case, I digress. Blu-Ray may or may rambo first blood soundtrack see DVD-like popularity. However, this is not the time to gauge that. When all the equipment and Blu-rays themselves are in the 12/disc 100 player/150 burner area, Blu-Ray will start to overtake DVD. People will say, when theyre getting a new media player, Well, this player is only 40 more and I can watch both my DVDs and start watching Blu-Rays. Thats all at least 3-4 years away from now I estimate. In fact, I fully expect Blu-Ray to catch on faster for the simple fact that it also plays DVDs, unlike the DVD players being unable to play VHS. In any case, I fully disagree with everything you said. I just chose to rant about that one comment I quoted. When all the equipment and Blu-rays themselves are in the 12/disc 100 player/150 burner area, Blu-Ray will start to overtake DVD. Yes, but without competition, BR isnt dropping and wont see those prices for By then flash media will be cheaper, faster, more economical and have more capacity to Yes, but without competition, BR isnt dropping and wont see those prices for years I disagree completely. With one format having been chosen, it will allow competitive companies, such as LG, Sony, Phillips, etc, to focus their attention on Blu-Ray, discovering ways to reduce the costs of manufacture/price, etc. , rather than having to split their attention between two different formats. VHS became cheap well after Beta lost the war. I dont expect flash media to ever become competitive with optical. Id like to see where you got that idea from. As far as being faster is concerned, optical is far from depleted technology. Im certain that when media displays have increased their display properties, there will be a better optical technology to supplant BR. I dont expect flash media to ever become competitive with optical. Id like to see where you got that idea from I got that from an article posted here at DT. I forget who, but one of the industry bigwigs was theorizing BR will never catch on big, becasue by the time its affordable to the masses, Flash media will be cheaper, larger, faster etc. The theory is its all data, bits and byts Would you rather carry 5 movies around on 5 BR discs or stick it all on a tiny flash card in your pocket unnoticed at that. Its acompelling In a few years we will have 32, 64 and even 128 GB flash media maybe SDHC or a variant selling extremely cheap. I have about 200 DVDs for a total of about 1, 000 GB. If in 3-4 years I start collecting BRs the way I am DVDs, that would be in the neighborhood of 10 TB. Anyways, I cant see a flash drive replacing an optical disc any time soon. A 5 or 8 GB flash drive will never go for 50 cents. The Internet backbone, at least in the US, is proving to be very poor and inadequate for much humbler requirements than downloading DVDs/BDs and then saving them on magnetic or flash drives. I simply cant see it working as a replacement in the next 10 years. Yes, but just because you cant see it, rambo first blood soundtrack mean it wont and we arent talking about today, we are talking about a few years down the road. remember just 5 or so years ago 16GB SD card was a hundred dollars, now we have 16GB SDHC cards for less than 1 It drops really especially when bought in bulk.

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