Once were warriors haka US

Once were warriors haka

US Uncut videographer: Say that again I cut you off. Say it again. US Uncut member: I said, I was just wandering by, but I couldn t agree more, all corporations should pay their taxes. US Uncut videographer: And how about all the banks? US Uncut member: Especially the banks. They make lots of money and they don t really do anything. US Uncut member: They just once were warriors haka it for us and give it back to us, and make a profit off of it. They should pay taxes. We pay taxes. US Uncut videographer: And the Republicans want to steal all the money from the poor. They re not asking for the corporations or banks to pay taxes. US Uncut member: I bet they wouldn t call it that. They wouldn t call it stealing. US Uncut videographer: What would once were warriors haka call it, do you think? US Uncut videographer: Yeah! Alright! Very astute! Thank you for coming! Now, if an organized Tea Party group got caught interviewing one of their own members who falsely claimed to be just a random passerby who joined the protest on the spur of the moment, the left-leaning blogs and media would make it front page news, proof positive that Tea Party populism is fake and that it s not really an authentic populist uprising. What do you think the response will be to this evidence? No need to reply we already know the answer. Posted at 2:19 pm on April 18th, 2011 by Avoid profanities or foul language unless it is contained in a necessary quote or is relevant to the comment. Disagree, but avoid ad hominem attacks. Threats are treated seriously and reported to law enforcement. Spam and advertising are not permitted in the comments area. These guidelines are very general and cannot cover every possible situation. Please dont assume that Pajamas Media management agrees with or otherwise endorses any particular comment. We reserve the right to filter or delete comments or to deny posting privileges entirely at our discretion. Please note that comments are reviewed by the editorial staff and may not be posted immediately.

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