Nympha They talk a lot about


They talk a lot about diving, their thinking as scenes were filmed, and more. This is also a pretty interesting commentary. Indie Essentials filmmaker guide to marketing a movie This is a short 5 minute video by nympha Open Water crew and execs from Lions Gate nympha about what makes an independent film marketable. If youre interested in filmmaking them youll want to take note of their tips. On The High Seas: Making Open Water featurette This is probably the highlight of the bonus features. They follow the whole process of making the movie from the initial script writing to the casting to the filming up to the Sundance Film Festival. Its a unique look at how this independent film was made on a low budget over 2 years. Deleted Scenes There are a handful of deleted scenes included here and most of them feature the couple on the island before they go out to sea. They are generally boring and dont add much to the story. However, theres an alternate opening to the film which shows their scuba gear washing up on the island shore, thus foreshadowing their fate. It then cuts directly to them arriving on the plane at the island. If you enjoy survival stories or shark flicks then youll probably enjoy Open Water. Its also an interesting lesson on independent filmmaking. 6 More TV Spots for Transformers: Dark of the Moon ! Widescreen; Dubbed; Subtitled Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze Jr. , Andy Dick, Wallace Shawn, Patrick Warburton, George Carlin, and Sigourney Weaver star in this animated film. For those who couldnt get enough of SHREK, HAPPILY NEVER AFTER supplies a similar take on fairy-tale traditions. Set in Fairy Tale Land, this comedy features the heroes and villains of stories from Rumplestiltskin to Sleeping Beauty. The job of the wizard George Carlin is to ensure everyone has happy endings. But when he leaves on vacation, he entrusts his tasks to his inept assistants, and Cinderellas evil stepmother Sigourney Weaver begins to wreak havoc on the endings of fairy tales. Though shes interested in menace in general, she particularly wants her stepdaughter, Ella Sarah Michelle Gellar, to suffer. She vows to keep her from Prince Charming Patrick Warburton, much to the delight of his servant, Rick Freddie Prinze, Jr. , who is in love with Ella himself. HAPPILY NEVER AFTER takes aim at the stories everyone knows by heart. Here Prince Charming needs a guidebook to behave like royalty, with Warburton fashioning a delightfully doltish contrast to traditional romantic heroes. Character actor Jon Polito plays a big bad wolf who could nympha been an extra on GOODFELLAS.

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