Crying freeman movie just live with it

Crying freeman movie

just live with it. No need to be I was just trying to point out the correct terminology. If people call DVDs Video CDs as they did when they were new, despite that actually being its own completely unrelated format youd know what they but still DVD is correct, just as BD is correct. Getting people to call things by their actual names or acronyms isnt meant to be and Blu-ray aside, people around here would slander you to no end for calling Apple products by some incorrect name or acronym eg. Mac-bookpro. If you want to sound intelligent on a subject, you should really know how to spell simple as that. for anyone who actually cares, its Blu-ray or Blu-ray Disc and BD for short. seriously, if you want to play movies on the go then bluray isnt really the way to go, battery life is down the crapper. it would be best to rip the movies onto your computer and watch it that way. you would barely even have 2hrs battery life. in any case where you have access to a power point, then you would use an external drive. the external drives are MUCH cheaper if you build it yourself anyway. will you seriously be watching bluray movies on the go? i dont see your point of being able to do it unless your version of on the go is hooking up to massive TVs, the quality wont be able to be seen at all. it wuld be much more feasible to convert the movies into a smaller file size, so that you get longer battery life and a less hot CPU. I will most definitely be watching Blu-ray movies using MY definition of on the go, which is on airplanes using the airlines power and in hotel rooms using the hotels power. I dont care in the least about battery life, as in neither case will it be a factor. Portability, on the other hand, is a very large factor and ripping a couple dozen Blu-ray movies to the internal hard drive is impossible at 20-50GB each. And why on earth would I want to waste even more time compressing those video files prior to a trip? On the other hand, picking out a couple dozen discs and throwing them in a mini case that I can throw in my laptop bag is incredibly easy and convenient. the issue isnt about the incredible quality of Blu-ray actual being perceptible on a 4 WXGA screen, but one of convenience. I ONLY buy movies on Blu-ray disc and have for going on two years now. When every major PC manufacturer except Toshiba, who lost their own battle against Blu-ray offers Blu-ray drives in their notebooks, theres no excuse for Apple not to. The fact that everyone else has for some time now should give you an idea that their most definitely are customers buying notebooks based on this feature. Apple not including Blu-ray as a BTO option in their new notebooks is NOTHING but laziness not getting programmers working on it early enough and cheapness on Apples part made even dumber by the fact that those who REALLY want Blu-ray in their new notebooks would pay the Apple 2x actual part cost tax to have it. One last thing not directed at anyone in particular, Jobs excuse about complex licensing is complete BS. Aside from the fact that every other manufacturer can figure out the licensing terms, Apple is on the board of directors of the the organization that writes the licensing terms and determines the patent pool. Had he been honest and said Were holding out until all the major studios are including iPod-compatible digital copies of movies on their Blu-ray for which well charge them a licensing fee for use of our DRM that would be fine an obnoxious demand, but at least honest. But making it sound like the BDA licensing is just too complicated for a company that sits on the board and is itself a member of the patent pool is ridiculous. No need to be I was just trying to point out the correct terminology. If people call DVDs Video CDs as they did when they were new, despite that actually being its own completely crying freeman movie format youd know what they but still DVD is correct, just as BD is correct. Getting people to call things by their actual names or acronyms isnt meant to be and Blu-ray aside, people around here would slander you to no end for calling Apple products by some incorrect name or acronym eg. Mac-bookpro. If you want to sound intelligent on a subject, you should really know how to spell simple as that. crying freeman movie anyone who actually cares, its Blu-ray or Blu-ray Disc and BD for short. sorry for the snappiness i just get a tad frustrated by people trying to correct everyone. i am of the opinion that people can make up their own mind how they want to talk as long as the other people know what they are talking about. the internets use of acronyms for crying freeman movie varies, if you use the internet enough i am sure that you will know all of the various versions of defining it. I will most definitely be watching Blu-ray movies using MY definition of on the go, which is on airplanes using the airlines power and in hotel rooms using the hotels power. I dont care in the least about battery life, as in neither case will it be a factor. Portability, on the other hand, is a very large factor and ripping a couple dozen Blu-ray movies to the internal hard drive is impossible at 20-50GB each. And why on earth would I want to waste even more time compressing those video files prior to a trip? On the other hand, picking out a couple dozen discs and throwing them in a mini case that I can throw in my laptop bag is incredibly easy and convenient. ok, so portability in the sense of battery life isnt as issue to you, fair enough that dismisses that issue.

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