Carry on Constable Also, there

Carry on Constable

Also, there saying the votes came from uneducated, young black voters who didnt know anything about the issues. Although, a large portion of the votes came from young people 18-29, there were so many other people who contributed, such as black people 30 and up, whites, hispanics, asians, etc. Then, some people want to bring up that he is only half black so he doesnt represent a black man. He is 50% black, and that is enough. The Republicans stole the election from Democrats in 2000 and 2004, and it is long overdue. We couldnt have a better team than Obama and Biden. And Michelle is such a supportive wife. Also, people need to realize President Obama will not be able to change things overnight. We are so deep in a hole and it will take time for changes to happen. People have to be realistic. Martin Luther King, Jr. and many others have died trying to make this moment happen. They would be so proud. I think its great that people were in his church last night, then walked to Carry on Constable grave. We shall overcome someday. God bless 106 yr. old Ann Nixon Cooper for getting out and voting. She has been around for an entire century and never thought this could happen. And for anyone saying people voted for him because he was black, Carry on Constable at the past. Obviously, it was the same for the previous Presidents, who were all white. Not only am I happy that he is a man of color, he was the better candidate. I am just upset that some things have not changed in the south. All of the southern states went to McCain, except for my hometown Florida. I hope people will come to except this admirable, black man as their President. Why are you so uptight? Dont be mad. There are people saying they want to leave this country because they wont accept him. This country still has a ways to go. Some people have to come out of denial and realize its a new day. And for the last time, he doesnt just represent black people, he represents all people. Why are you so uptight? Dont be mad. ARE SOME OVERLY EXCITED BLACKS TODAY. TOMORROW AND THE NEXT COMING DAYS PEOPLE OF COLOR WILL CALM DOWN. RIGHT NOW IT IS A TIME OF YOU SHOULD CHILL WITH YOUR SARCASM AND PREDICTIONS. WHAT ABOUT THAT? THEY SIMPLY HAVE NO MERIT, THATS ALL IM SAYING. EVEN IF YOUR PREDICTIONS HOLD TRUE, HOW CAN YOU MAKE IT APPEAR TO BE OBAMAS FAULT WHEN BUSH HAS RUN THIS COUNTRY FOR 8 YEARS AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BOTH THE BAIL OUT AND THE 2 WARS HE HAS LEFT OBAMA WITH? SO WAS ANY CHANGES OR MOVES THAT OBAMA MAKES WILL CERTAINLY HAVE AN AFTER EFFECT. ANYTIME YOU TRY TO UN-DO SOMETHING, IT CAN PROVE TO BE OVERWHELMING. NO ONE SAID THE MAN WAS THE SAVIOUR, BLACK FOLKS ARE JUST HAPPY TODAY. GEE WIZ GIRL! LIGHTEN UP! ; When I called Obama the captain of a sinking ship, I was referring to the mess that Bush has made. With all the talk of change and hope, people are expecting results. If and when Obama is unable to deliver, people are going to turn on him like rabid dogs. Bush has cemented his place in history and the books will be sure to paint him a positive light, even if we all know the truth. If the wrongs that Bush committed are not made right, Obama will go Carry on Constable in history as the First Black President who and all of the fcked up things will what people remember, even if we know the truth. I dont live on hope. I hate to see so many people putting so such hope in one man because I think so many of you will be disappointed.

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