Carry on Again Doctor I never

Carry on Again Doctor

I never considered it a big deal since it was Shimazu on Normal. Since then, Ive saved frequently and often and I havent had the issue. Mobo: MSI K9A2 Platinum AM2/AM2 790FX CPU: AthlonIIX4 630 Propus 8GHz AM3 OC 2GHz GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 Juniper XT 1GB 128-bit GDDR5 RAM: A-DATA 2x2GB DDR2 800 Case: Antec P180 Silver ATX Mid Tower Prime: CrucialRealSSD C300 128GB SATA III Second: WD CaviarBlack 750GB 7200RPM Media: WD CaviarBlack 1TB 7200RPM I ran into the same problem as well today. I reached turn 50 as the Takeda, press end turn and the rotation will reach the Shoni clan and then it crashes. All times are GMT The time now is 06:20 AM. Forums powered by vBulletin Version 7 Copyright 2000 2011, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. I have to VPN and then ssh from home to my work server and want to run a python script in the background, then log out of the ssh session. My script makes several histogram plots using matplotlib, and as long as I keep the connection open everything is fine, but if I log out I keep getting an error message in the log file I created for the script. File, line 2058, in loglog ax gca File, line 582, in gca ax kwargs File, line 276, in gcf return figure File, line 254, in figure kwargs File, line 90, in newfiguremanager window File, line 1647, in init screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use : couldnt connect to display localhost: 0 Im assuming that it doesnt know where to create the figures I want since I close my X11 ssh session. If Im logged in while the script is running I dont see any figures popping up although thats because I dont have the show command in my script, and I thought that python uses tkinter to display figures. The way that Im creating the figures is, loglog histlist, x ylabely xlabelx close The script requires some initial input, so the way Im running it in Carry on Again Doctor background is Is there a way around this, or do I just have to stay sshd into my machine? can you run vnc session? alternatively, there is XFree NX program, but I never used it. it is like screen for X11 session. Anycorn Mar 14 10 at 20:49 I don t really know much about vnc. I thought it was more for controlling a computer on a local network? I think the problem is with x11 closing, so when I close the vnc session wouldn t it give the same results? Jamie Mar 15 10 at 0:55 It looks like youre running in interactive mode by default, so matplotlib wants to plot everything to the screen first, which of course it cant do. at the top of your script, along with making the backend change. I believe your matplotlib backend requires X Look in your matplotlibrc file to determine what your default is from the error, Im betting TkAgg. To run without X11, use the Agg backend. Either set it globally in the matplotlibrc file or on a script by script by adding this to the python program: I added that line to the beginning of my program but still get the same error message. Jamie Mar 15 10 at 0:49 Sorry if this is a stupid answer, but if youre just running a console session, would screen not suffice? Detachable sessions, etc. This might be a stupid reply to your possibly stupid question: What do you mean by console session, screen, and detachable session? The way I m running this is I m home on my OS X machine VPN then SSH via terminal into my linux box at work. Jamie Mar 15 10 at 13:31 Jamie, the unix screen command allows you to detach from your terminal and then re-attach later. Once you are at the terminal prompt, type screen, launch your program. Now just close out of your SSH client. Next time your reconnect on that box, type screen R and you are back to where you left off. Of course, see the screen manpage for lots more details. Mark Mar 15 10 at 13:58 Mark Oh cool, Carry on Again Doctor sound like it can be really useful. Jamie Mar 15 10 at 14:28 If you are running on a nix OS the problem is your session is terminated and all processes requiring a session are also terminated when you disconnect. More specifically all your processes are sent a SIGHUP signal hang-up. The default handling of SITHUP is to terminate the process. If you want you script to continue it needs to ignore the signal. The easiest way to do that assuming you start your script via the command line it to run it using the nohup command: nohup normally sends standard out and standard error to the file in the current directory. Since youre redirecting already output will not be created. his problem is due to X11 connection failing. Anycorn Mar 14 10 at 21:17 Adding nohup to the beginning didn t seem to do anything, got the same error message. Jamie Mar 15 10 at 0:42 required, but never shown This is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. Its 100% free, no registration required. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and Carry on Again Doctor notifications of new posts by email. Wow! I happened to fall upon this site and I am so amazed at all the responses on this matter. I am not proud of what I am about to say but I fell in love with a married man. It started out as a professional relationship, but he flirted and pursued me and eventually I relented. I believed him when he said, nothing would change between us professionally. I believed him when he said I have never done this little clues led me to believe different. The fact that when his wife called him on his cell and he answered while I was present he would look me straight in the eye and not act nervously at all.

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